Tuesday, January 22, 2008


This just in! Britney denies knowing who her boyfriend is, while speaking in hew newly acquired British accent. See it for yourself here: crixenauf

On a positive note, Britney finally showed up for a custody hearing yesterday! More on that story here: Britney


sheske & cmarini said...

Did she actually go into the court room? I thought I heard on the radio that she walked in then walked out.

Crixenauf (www.youtube.com) said...

She's a total wreck. Great example of how Hollywood is no longer about great acting. It's about lunatic celebrity moms and rehab.

Does she really even deserve to have kids? Great example Brit...


sheske & cmarini said...

Nice pictures, it's amazing how hair can change someone's looks (and behavior too!)

sheske & cmarini said...

It is amazing how hair can change someone's appearance so much (and behavior too :)